About this DVD
"ASIFA-JAPAN DVD Vol.3" was made in 2013 as an exchange program between ASIFA national groups, aimed for International Animation Day (IAD). The usage of this DVD is authorized only for non-profit screenings for IAD, organized by ASIFA national groups.
Works recorded in this DVD

Directed by : Mirai Mizue
2009 / 2:48
Each time a sound is added, a new, living creature is created. Those sounds and living creatures both gradually increase to a huge number, changing the world into chaos.

Directed by : Naoyuki Tsuji
2008 / 6:00
A couple as seen at home. The woman says a heartfelt prayer while the man looks up from his newspaper, holding a cup of tea. They both look out of the window. In the sky above their house a giant angel is flying past. A forest has grown on the angel's back. In the forest three creatures sit around a table and playing cards. The cards are laid out and feature different images: three cards depicting babies jump down a hole in the middle of the table and begin a journey through the body of the angel. They stop in a cave where a creature plays the harp for them and turns the cards into tears. The tears fly through the air out of the angel's eyes and one of them reaches the woman's womb. In the next scene she is seen sitting at home, with her cat, contentedly stroking her own pregnant belly. The next scene is an exterior: a field with a lone tree growing on it. The man is dancing and walking towards the tree: behind the tree he finds his partner, the woman, holding a baby. They all smile at each other. --- This text was written by Tommaso Corvi-Mora, from the impression of a story and images, sounds of Naoyuki Tsuji's film THE PLACE, WHERE WE WERE.

Directed by : Arisa Wakami
2011 / 1:59
All children are a blessing. Collaboration of god’s gift (baby) and people’s gifts (birthday gifts).
©Arisa Wakami

Directed by : Kotaro Sato
2012 / 00:35
Using electricity produced by nuclear power plants brings the workers closer to the nuclear reactors.
©2012 Kotaro Sato, Artless Art Studio

Directed by : Katsuo Takahashi
Courtesy : Kariko Takahashi
1978 / 19:00
The Director, Katsuo Takahashi, who lost his family by atomic bomb, put all his soul into this film “The Wild Rose” (original story by Mimei Ogawa). After winning the Arts Festival Prize of The Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan, the film was screened at numerous international film festivals including those in Bulgaria, India, Spain, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Even today, more than thirty years after the production, the film still conveys a message of love and peace all over the world.
© Katsuo Takahashi Copyright Management Office
Directed by : Kazuma Morino
1993 / 4:06
Simple shapes float in the 3D space created by patterns of stripes, creating a highly dramatic effect.
©kazuma morino

Directed by : Hiroshi Onishi
2013 / 5:33
Journey-mation is a way to assemble my travel memories through animation.This film was made with photos I took during my trip to Bali in 2011, accompanied by native Bali music. It is also an homage to the late Nobuhiro Aihara.
©ONISHI Hiroshi 2013

Directed by : Taku Kimura
Produced by : Takashi Fukumoto
Animation by : Koichi Yamagishi
2008 / 9:23
This story is about a man who is accidentally transformed into Japanese monster Kudan. One day the man, who doesn't communicate with his son, receives a box by mail and he finds a strange helmet in the box. He is transformed into a Kudan when he wears it.
Directed by : Yoriko Mizushiri
2012 / 6:02
Wrapped in the futon... Memories coming up to the mind, imagining the future, recapturing senses, and sexual feelings deeply ingrained... Everything melts pleasantly all together. In the futon, the body wonders seeking the sense...
©Yoriko Mizushiri